鬱病戦争  鬱病吹っ飛べ~!!  
鬱病の日々の出来事について語ります。 (Камень снегグループ)

It was abused...

I am today. It has not fallen!!
Also although it is called parents.・・・・

It is no longer believed.

Although the daughter thought that she would go to the communication school of a high school

Since there is no money, it will not go.

Already It was decided that it would live and go, without making parents trouble.

parents are also years ..

Something is uncanny and it is the worst today.

Although it is the evening, I will already sleep.

He forgets everything....


 It was abused...

It was abused...

It was hot....

It was painful...

It was crying.・・・・・・

It was always crying.・・・・・・・

Since it has already lived for 50 years, it is good anyhow!!

Until a daughter becomes an adult at least

Although he would like to be alive ....

Friends are sick one after another.

It is a surprise as there are suicidal wishes with mental illness, and he is a friend.

Leukemia is also a surprise and surprise also says that no less than 20 kg of friends became thin.

2013年2月17日(日)11:18 | 病気との闘い | 管理

